Some time back in 2007, some like-minded citizens, having roots inHistory various NGO’s and sublime purpose in mind, created Pakistan International Human Rights Commission (PIHRC) as an independent non-profit, non-political and non-governmental organization with the aim of protecting and promoting human Rights (particular emphasis on the vulnerable groups like women, children & refugees), health care (by waging war against HIV/AIDS and drug abuse), promotion basic primary education (with emphasis on girls and computer education), and environment protection and preservation. All this was not an easy task, but with the commitment and active support of our members we have achieved a tremendous success in establishing strong linkages with local communities at the grass-root level, creating awareness about their rights and empowering them politically and economically. PIHRC is promoting a unique holistic approach, combining Human Rights Advocacy with physical development initiative. By adopting this approach, PIHRC has achieved tremendous results, particularly in the most backward areas of the country like federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan, without getting a single penny from any donor agency. Rather our members supported our initiatives with the help of the local communities, we are serving.

There is a strong belief that sharing experience’s, information and technical capabilities among different NGO’s have greatly improved the capability, capacity and strength of NGO sector. It would really be advisable then to share our information with each other, which will result in exploring and exploiting new ways and means in our co-operative endeavors in future. PIHRC is interested in sharing its experience’s and information with other NGO’s and expect the same from others.

Hopefully, the NGO sector will respond positively to our tiny endeavor for promoting understanding and co-operation within NGO community. Keeping in view our performance during the last years, we hope that the International Donor Agencies will encourage and support our organization in its efforts to protect human rights and promote solutions for creation of a better, more liberal and free society in Pakistan.